Friday, October 7, 2016

Sorry, Tidy Cat: I'm going back to Scoop Away

Tidy Cats 24/7 Performance Clumping Cat Litter

Tidy Cats 24/7 gives me stankface
You might think that all clumping kitty litters are alike. I used to think that, but no more. The last time we ran out of litter for Miss Kitty, I picked up whatever was on sale. For the past couple of years, we’ve used Scoop Away Complete because you can buy a ginormous box at Costco, cheap.  Since I was already buying food for the fur babies at the pet store, I picked up a tub of Tidy Cats 24/7 Performance Clumping litter at the same time. I was amazed at the difference.

Miss Kitty is tiny; about seven pounds, and decidedly “senior” at more than twelve years old. Nevertheless, she can produce a lot of waste in a short time. Unlike some people, we only scoop the box every other day – it’s in the basement, not in the bedroom, and we use a big covered box, so it’s not like anyone gets “stankface.” Or at least it wasn’t until we started using this Tidy Cat!